
By: Seminole Buccaneer, Published April 9th, 2015 10:17 PM EST

I recently had a chance to chat with former Seminoles cornerback Tay Cody. Tay played for the Seminoles from 1996 thru 2000 and was part of the 1999 National Championship team. After redshirting his freshman year he became a fixture at the right cornerback position. Tay built himself quite a resume while in Tallahassee:
The Sporting News - 1st Team Freshman All-American
American Football Coaches Association - 1st Team All-American
College Football News - 1st Team All-American
The Sporting News - 1st Team All-American
Associated Press - 2nd Team All-American
Football News - 2nd Team All-American
NCAA - Consensus All-American
But none more important then winning the National Championship in 1999.
Tay opened up about his time playing for the Noles, here’s how it went:
S.B. (Seminole Buccaneer)
Tell me something about being recruited by the Noles?
T.C. (Tay Cody)
It was a nice experience! FSU was in a dynasty and were recruiting only the best athletes in the country at the time! The gators was the first team to offer me, but fsu was where I wanted to go!
My final 3 was FSU, Auburn then Gators!

What was meeting Bobby Bowden like?
It was just something special bout coach! He said all the right things to my mom and grand parents so it was a no brainer!

He’s always struck me as the type of coach that was just as much a father figure as a coach to his players, is that a fair assumption?
Excellent! He was a Father to a roster with a lot of single parent kids on it!

Out of all the games you played in the garnet and gold, what game stands out as your favorite memory?
Of course winning national championship 99! Beating Vick and VTech!!!
Great team and we all wanted the best for each other!!!

Vick is a somewhat quiet guy in front of the media spotlight, but rumor has it that he talks a little bit on the field, did you get a chance to have “some words” with him?
No I didn’t have any words with him!! He didn’t have much to say on the field

Hard to talk when you are on your back,
Was there a player at FSU that you grew up wanting to be like, that inspired you to be a Seminole?
Yea Buckley!! That was my guy!! The reason I wore 27!

T-Buck !!!
Whats your best non-football memory of going to FSU
Spending time with teammates and enjoying the wonderful social life in Tallahassee!!!

Can you describe the feeling of being on the field while the war-chant is in full effect?
Its the most exciting thing about doak! It just does something to you while you on the field with 85k screaming fans!!

A lot of us who have never played wonder what that feels like.
As hard as it is can you name your favorite seminole player of all time?
Neon Deion….

Besides the guys you played with, is there any other former or present seminole you wish you had a chance to play with?
Winston!! He is the Real Deal!!!

As a Bucs fan you know im pumped about having the first pick in the draft…
I will be a Bucs fan if they draft Winston!!! So I’m Pumped!!

I’ve seen this expression on social media… “Nole Blooded” what does that mean to you?
Just having FSU blood pumping in your body!!!
Talking with Tay, I get the impression that being a Seminole meant a lot to him. I know we all appreciated his contributions to the team and university. Tay’s football career didn’t end after college as he went on to play professional football for 6 years.
I want to to ask all of you to checkout the website Tay is involved in, 27College Prep! Tay educates parents and HS students on the requirements to attend college and he also does instructional training for HS defensive backs!
The website is under construction but it is that’s all I have for now, stay tuned for more from Seminole Buccaneer

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