By now you may have heard that Johnny Manziel has been named the starter this week for the Cleveland Browns when the Browns take on the Cincinnati Bengals. That’s big news and all, but what does that mean for the Cleveland Browns and their playoff hopes?

Well that really depends on who you ask. It’s hard to say that the Browns best shot at a playoff berth was behind the arm of Brian Hoyer though. Hoyer has had a rough go at it for weeks now and is definitely not getting the job done like he was earlier in the season. Hoyer is a great guy, but being a great guy doesn’t win your team football games. Just ask Derek Carr.

Johnny Manziel has been labeled “bust” by people all over the internet. Well he has played just one game in a very limited time frame. In that time he did score a touchdown, something Hoyer hasn’t been able to do in too long. Having Johnny Manziel start is the best option for this Browns team moving forward.

But what does having Johnny Manziel start at this point in the season mean? Well, it means that Cincinnati has just a couple of drives of tape on Manziel and that’s not exactly enough to prepare to play against someone. Johnny Manziel should be able to have, at the very least, a decent game.

Any QB who comes in for his first start typically has a good game. If for nothing more than the team they are playing has no way to prepare for the match up. With Manziel and Hoyer having such different styles, this could be a big day for the Cleveland offense.

Johnny Manziel gives the Cleveland Browns a better chance to win their final three games than Brian Hoyer. Manziel has fresh legs and a style that’s sure to throw off any opponent. Defenses will have a difficult time adjusting on the fly to try to stop Manziel from Manzieling all over the place.

I’m not here to say that Johnny Manziel is not a bust, but I’m also not here to say that he is. Manziel has played three drives this season. Three drives that were successful. Fact is we still just don’t have enough information on this guy to know how he will do in the NFL at a consistent pace. Playing just two years in college doesn’t mean a whole lot for NFL production either. Just ask Antonio Gates who didn’t play football until he declared for the NFL draft. Now he’s the San Diego Chargers all-time leading receiver.

Give this guy a chance. It’s at the very least going to be one exciting weekend in Cleveland.

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