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St. Louis Rams: Possible OC Candidates

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The St. Louis Rams have not officially fired their offense coordinator Brian Schottenheimer, but if fans have it their way, he’ll be out of St. Louis in about a week.

The St. Louis Rams offense has, for much too long, been run by Schottenheimer. The Rams currently rank 19th in points per game, 25th in yards per game, 22nd in rushing yards per game, and 24th in passing yards per game. It also isn’t helping that the Rams are 30th in plays per game. This team is struggling on offense. So where do we place the blame for lack of production? It could possibly go to the fact that the Rams have been lacking a normal starting QB for well over a year now, or maybe the youth of the team. The fact is the Rams have not had a strong offense, and it’s not because of lack of talent.

#FireShotty is back on the internet again, and it’s gaining steam. And yes, I said again, as in this has already happened. With “Fire Shotty” pages popping up all over social media sites again, I have found a few old ones from when Schottenheimer was coaching and calling plays with the New York Jets. Jets fans laugh at the cries of Rams fans now. Just ask Paul Esden, Truluv’s New York Jets beat writer.

So with the possibility of Schottenheimer being let go from duties in St. Louis, I’ll take a look at a few potential candidates for the presumed vacancy.

Jim Harbaugh: San Francisco 49ers Head Coach

Alright so this one isn’t likely. It looks like Harbaugh is going to be fired shortly after the 49ers play their season finale against the Arizona Cardinals, but it also appears that there are just two places that he will end up. Those places are both head coaching positions at Michigan for the Wolverines or the Oakland Raiders. Sure Rams fans aren’t exactly fond of this guy, but there’s no denying his talent level. And maybe not having full control of the team would calm him down a little bit. Could you imagine a coaching staff of Jeff Fisher, Jim Harbaugh, and Gregg Williams? That just turns my pupils into “W”‘s. Maybe not as appealing as dollar signs, but still something I’d be happy with.

Adam Gase: Denver Broncos Offensive Coordinator

Adam Gase is one of those guys who could be in the running for a few head coaching positions around the league. Personally, I think that’s jumping the gun a little bit considering he just has to stand there and make sure Peyton and the rest of the offense just finds their way onto the field. How often does the play he calls get run anyways? Put this guy with a young Rams team and give him Sam Bradford and we’ll really see what he can do.

Hue Jackson: Cincinnati Bengals Offensive Coordinator

Jackson has been bouncing around the league a lot. And yes I understand that the Bengals have just locked up a playoff spot and are heading to the post season for the 4th straight year. But coming to a young team like St. Louis has to be intriguing for any coach who could possibly talk Jeff Fisher into letting them pick out a QB if they don’t want to move forward with Bradford.

David Shaw: Stanford Head Coach

Shaw is expected to be making the move to the NFL soon after taking over Stanford’s football program from Jim Harbaugh in 2010. Now with many vacancies appearing all around the league, Shaw could be heading up to the bigs this off-season. Shaw has kept the wheels turning at Stanford and has helped groom some solid offensive talent including Andrew Luck.

Scott Linehan: Dallas Cowboys Offensive Coordinator

Now I know a few of you will see that name and run in horror because of the horrific experience we Rams fans had with this very gentleman just a few years ago. Linehan wasn’t helped out by then GM Billy Devaney and it’s a whole different story now with Les Snead running the draft and Jeff Fisher putting in his input. At offensive coordinator, Linehan is far from a bad option. He’s had some great talent to work with out in Dallas in Tony Romo, Dez Bryant, and Demarco Murray. Who knows, maybe signing Linehan could help the Rams pull some crazy awesome free agent such as….. Dez Bryant. Hmmmm…..

The Rams could also hire for the position from within. Although that is not as appealing since none of the position coaches the St. Louis Rams have on the team have any experience at a higher level and they’ve been groomed under the very guy that most of us want to be fired.

Jeff Fisher will surely be looking for someone with a somewhat recognizable name. Jeff Fisher has obviously had plenty off coaches come through his staff in Tennessee and with Fisher’s history of being more comfortable with people he’s already worked with, don’t be surprised if it is a guy that Fisher has worked with in the past. Of course first considering that Brian Schottenheimer is fired after the Rams play the Seattle Seahawks in week 17.

Until then all we can do is hope that Fisher, Snead, and Kevin Demoff see it the same way us fans do.

Follow Joe Branham (@jtbranham)

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